
About Us

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We are a store specialized on offer the best and most creative items for boring task. If you're a designer, chef, or even a cat lover, you probably will find here something you would love. Beauty products? Yep we have it too.


Pffff. CIT PET we have more than 20,000 clients are happy with our products.

At CIT PET we offer a variety of products to make life with your pet better! Browse our online store to find everything you need for a happy, healthy pet !!! We are business comprised of proud pet owners and our vision is to bring pet products to the public at affordable prices. We believe if we can sell and deliver pet products to the public at an affordable price, more people will provide their pets with the care they deserve. Our plan is to make the process for pet owners as simple and quick and affordable as possible. We look forward to providing your pet family with a fast and efficient service!

Also we are hosted on Shopify, the biggest and most reliable ecommerce platform in the planet. And to be triple sure, we process the payments using Paypal and/or Stripe the biggest and most secure payments gateways in the whole planet earth. They give you ( and give us) security against fraud